If you need revival, something is terribly wrong with you. You are aware that things needing revival are either dead or close to it, no? If revival means what I think it means (and it does), then you won’t survive much longer without dramatic intervention. Your time is up. Your clock is already striking midnight. There ...
I’ve never thought of myself as a dieter. I still don’t. But today I feel a sense of control, a sense of health, and a sense of cheer that I haven’t enjoyed in years. And that’s because of a little tool on my phone that has translated into some big changes for me: The LoseIt ...
Imagine a place where you could let go of your fears, trust God for life’s outcomes, and relax in a quiet-yet-confident Christian existence. I know, that would be heaven on earth. And that’s the problem. If God wanted you in heaven, you’d already be there. No, the elimination of worldly worries is only part of ...
If you haven’t already encountered the Four-Question Challenge from Life Action, today’s the day! In the most recent issue of Revive, I wrote a piece describing the challenge and why I believe church leaders should take a few moments to ask and answer (and pray about) four simple questions. We developed the Four-Question Challenge after ...
God created sex to be a wonderful, satisfying and loving expression of commitment, joy and lifetime relationship. It is certainly among His greatest gifts to humankind. However, sex can also be a devastating and sad part of life, when used outside of God’s boundaries and intentions. His audio message goes right to the “owner’s manual” ...
So, you’re interested in following Jesus? Or perhaps you’ve even made a first-step commitment to follow Him? What’s the next step? And the step after that? The 6WeekStartup is a free and simple guide you can download and print off, and keep with your Bible for awhile. In it, you’ll find an easy way to practice various ...
Safety consumes a lot of our attention; from airbags to bug repellent, alarm systems to insurance policies. But the greatest source of danger might be the One you are praying will keep you safe. His plans for you are disruptive, risky, adventurous, and costly. But those are the same plans that give you meaning in ...
Contrary to popular opinion, heaven isn’t reserved for the morally upright, the good citizens, or those who are genuinely sincere. Heaven isn’t guaranteed for “good” people any more than it is barricaded to “bad” people. In fact, getting into heaven takes a lot more than most of expect. Here are a few items on the after-death entrance exam: ...
At the end of all four gospels, and in the first chapter of Acts, Jesus gives the Great Commission. It’s the marching order for His followers, the command for every believer to “go and make disciples” across the world. The Great Commandment is that we love God; the Great Commission is that we tell the ...
Are you afraid of what other people think? Are you more concerned about what others think of you then, well, what you yourself believe is right? I came across a helpful Proverb in the Bible: “The fear of man brings a snare, but he who trusts in the Lord is kept safe.” (Proverbs 29:25) See ...