If you haven’t already encountered the Four-Question Challenge from Life Action, today’s the day! In the most recent issue of Revive, I wrote a piece describing the challenge and why I believe church leaders should take a few moments to ask and answer (and pray about) four simple questions.
We developed the Four-Question Challenge after a study of the Great Awakenings and the common denominators of churches that experienced dramatic growth and health during those years. And even more, we searched the Scripture to determine what might be missing in our modern church experience.
Rather than answers, we uncovered questions.
And after you take the challenge, feel free to respond in the comments below with questions or ideas of your own. I’d love to hear your feedback.
After reading this issue, one of our readers wrote:
The Revive magazine I just received is life-changing. As you worked on the articles, did you know that you were being used by God to answer my prayers? I had the desire for more but didn’t know exactly what to do, then Revive showed up. I felt God saying, “This is what you’ve been looking for; follow this path”. At first I thought I’d wait until January, then wondered why I would wait. I immediately doubled my prayer time, started fasting a couple of days a week, and focused more on a “prayer altar” than a quiet time. This quote from The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe keeps coming to mind, “They say Aslan is on the move”. I feel a renewed sense of hope, potential, like something big is coming! Thanks for your diligence! – Jerry, SC