Christian Thoughts for Hindus

Hindus make up some 13% of the world’s population, although the number is much larger when one accounts for all those who adhere to Hindu philosophy (New Age practices, etc.). The religion began in 1500 B.C. as ritualistic polytheism practiced in homes, and over the years it has grown more and more complex, to the ...

From Death to Life – Radio Interview 1

I was recently a part of a panel discussion on Revive Our Hearts Radio with Nancy DeMoss, regarding the concept of revival and how desperately we need God to “put the paddles on” and “revive us again.”  On this broadcast I share a little of my childhood interest in the concepts of revival and spiritual ...

Why Do Christians Believe Jesus Rose Again?

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of Christian theology.  Without that historical event, faith in Jesus is unwarranted.  If His body is rotten in a grave, the Christian faith is a sham.  Over the centuries, Christians have experienced the power of the risen Christ in a personal sense, and they’ve defended the historicity of ...

The Ephesians Road 1

Most people who’ve spent time in church are familiar with the “Romans Road” method of evangelism — simply take a person through Romans 3:23, 5:8, 6:23, and 10:9-10 (and I add 12:1-2) to introduce them to Christ. Unfortunately, the days of simple evangelistic methods are long gone. What we used to be able to “assume” people ...

Dream the Impossible Dream 3

“God loves with a great love the man whose heart is bursting with a passion for the impossible,” said William Booth, man of faith and founder of one of the largest help organizations in the world. Booth lived his life with an eternal, “impossible” dream — to help needy men and women find practical and ...

Why Bother with Christmas? 5

Running up the credit balance, standing in line, rushing to get the cards out, overeating just a little, putting the decorations up before its time to take them down – for many, that’s what Christmas is all about.  For others, the holiday season is painful, a time of mourning lost loved ones and old memories. ...

Wisdom for Beginner Christians

You walk into a group of new friends just in time to overhear an “inside joke.” Chances are, you’ll laugh cautiously, indexing your reaction to what you see on the faces of the “insiders.” It would take a stoke of uncharacteristic boldness (for most people) to blurt out, “I don’t get it. Explain it to ...

Take the Plunge – Be Baptized

As a church leader, I probably get more questions about baptism from prospective members than any other subject. And I understand—each church has its own way of doing things, so it can be a bit confusing. This article is my attempt to answer the most common questions I’ve heard. In the Bible, Jesus commanded that ...

Recovering from the Halfway Gospel 1

“Going half-way for Jesus is good enough,” affirmed the excited young minister. “If we keep demanding wholehearted commitment, our churches are going to die out. But I have the solution! Since we can’t expect people to actually follow Christ anymore, why don’t we just ask them to agree with a few key doctrines?” An awkward ...

Judgment Day

One word less popular than repentance in the modern church is the word judgment. Not judgment in the sense of people looking down on you for getting a tattoo or spanking your children. Not, “Stop judging me while I live like a pagan,” or, “You’re one of those judgmental Pharisees, aren’t you?” Judgments of this ...