Running up the credit balance, standing in line, rushing to get the cards out, overeating just a little, putting the decorations up before its time to take them down – for many, that’s what Christmas is all about. For others, the holiday season is painful, a time of mourning lost loved ones and old memories.
So, why bother with Christmas?
Of course it goes beyond tinsel and tree lights, wrapping paper and sugar cookies. It even goes beyond family togetherness and holiday cheer. Christmas is a time to reflect on something so bright with wonder that only the blindest of eyes can miss its brilliance and beauty. And it is this light – this magnificent, history-splitting display — that makes Christmas worth celebrating.
The event?
The birth of a Child. His beginnings were humble by this world’s standards; a barnyard birthplace in a remote village of a forgotten Middle Eastern province.
Yes, the Child’s name was ‘Jesus,’ the One who would save people from their sins, and in doing so, save the world from utter demise.
- He hadn’t come to claim an earthly throne.
- He hadn’t come to mete out judgment.
- He hadn’t come to heap guilt on people.
Instead, He came in love, to save the world from its own rebellion. Even during the darkest days of our rebellion, the Bible says that God loved us enough to send Jesus…not merely as a child…but a child who would grow up and offer Himself as the sacrifice to pay the penalty for our wrongdoing. “While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”
Every lie, every curse, every act of hate, pride, lust, and greed…Jesus came to take the guilt for all that—so that you and I could be restored to God’s purpose. He came so that we could experience the love and presence of God forever, instead of wrath and everlasting judgment.
Christmas is a celebration of humanity’s hope – Jesus Christ.
The angels summed it up on the first Christmas night when they announced to the shepherds: “For unto you is born this day…a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.” Had Christ never been born in that manger, had God never chosen to give us the greatest gift of all time, had God not loved us…we would have no hope. No hope for tomorrow; no hope for eternity.
But Jesus came, was born into our world, walked among us, and then died for us, not just to show us the way to God, but to be the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
That’s why we bother with Christmas.
So as you sing the carols, open the presents, and eat the cookies, keep in mind the love God has for you. What Jesus did made it possible for you to know and follow your Creator – just as He intended you to live.
Jesus, the King, the Savior, the Lord of all, is inviting you to celebrate the light this Christmas. To join Him, you’ll have to admit where you’ve gone wrong – the sins you’ve committed – the times you’ve walked way from God, and you’ll need to turn away from those sins, trusting instead that God’s way is the best way to live.
You’ll need to put your faith in Jesus, instead of yourself.
The Bible explains all of it…God’s plan, God’s love, and what God wants you to do. Spend time reading it this Christmas season; start in gospel of Matthew.
It won’t take you long to discover what Jesus means for your life today.
Then, rather than a blur or a bother, Christmas to you will become the most wonderful time of the year.
> Read the Christmas Story from the Bible here.
Here's something I hope can get you into the Christmas spirit!
Merry Christmas!