I’ve never thought of myself as a dieter. I still don’t.
But today I feel a sense of control, a sense of health, and a sense of cheer that I haven’t enjoyed in years. And that’s because of a little tool on my phone that has translated into some big changes for me:
About ten weeks ago, I heard on Michael Hyatt’s podcast that he had lost a few pounds using a fun little app that incentive-ized good eating habits and exercise. I looked at my large mid-section and thought, “Why not?”
I’m glad I asked that question.
Today, I’m 25 lbs. lighter (with plenty more to lose) and feeling much, much better about my life; spiritually, emotionally, and of course, physically.
LoseIt doesn’t say what to eat, it just asks that I scan the barcodes of foods I choose, or enter the restaurant dish I ordered, or estimate the calories based on its large dictionary of food values. Usually within a few clicks after each meal, I have a good record of what I’ve eaten (and thus, a sense of how many calories I can still eat later on).
And it is amazing how much those clicks have changed my attitude about food.
Suddenly, I can’t wait to “burn a few extra calories exercising” (thus, earning the ability eat an extra snack). And when I’m at a restaurant, rather than looking for the best value (read: big, cheap food) and scan the menu for the healthiest items. I like to save a few hundred calories in my “allowance” for a late-night bowl of Honey-Nut Cheerios. (Yes, Mom, I’m still not giving that up!)
Because LoseIt “counts the calorie cost” of each thing I eat, I end up leaning into the better foods and choosing smaller portions of the “bad” ones.
I feel great. I also feel hope.
I just wanted to pass this tip along, for two purposes:
1. My own accountability. I’m looking forward to the day when I can post that I’ve reached my ideal weight. According to LoseIt’s calculation, that time should be around January of next year. I’m pushing myself a bit harder than the app recommends, and hoping to move my “ideal weight date” to Christmas morning.
2. For some of you. You might be just like me. You’d love to be healthier, and you’re motivated by measurable goals and fun tech-gadgetry. Give LoseIt a whirl.
I just finished a 20 oz. Pepsi, by the way, while writing this. Yes, it was 250 calories. But I’m still under-budget for the day, so, other than whatever other awful things soda does to someone, I’m in the clear. I’m on the road to better health, and, I am convinced, a better future.
Want to join me?
Dan, I am so proud of you. The doc told me I was a heart attack waiting to happen. Please pray for me that someway, somehow I could find a way to lose this extra weight. Bless you.
Great job! I like this app too!
You got it! Praying you will find a way!!
Donna for the first time in years I was able to shed a few pounds last year – 18 and i dropped 2 sizes in my jeans. I reduced my flour and sugar intake. i slowly cut out all flour products and changed my sugar to coconut sugar or xyitol. it really helped to reduce the sugar cravings.
But when I really want something I eat it with enjoyment!